© Luxembourg Science Center
Since opening in 2017, the Luxembourg Science Center has been the ideal place for visitors who want to explore the world of science. Interactive experimental stations await eager researchers, and active scientists explain the background in over 20 science shows.
This workshop is all about liquids. Excitement is guaranteed in the Fluide laboratory! Whether extremely low temperatures, the different states of the components of the air (gases, liquids or solids), or experiments with low pressure and vacuum - the secrets of science will no longer remain hidden for long.
Topics among others
- Liquid nitrogen
- Dry ice
- Brittleness of materials due to cold
- Leidenfrost effect
- Liquefaction of air
- State changes
- Vacuum bell
- Fakir boards
- Hemispheres of Magdebourg
- Archimedes principle
- Heavy/light gases
- Nozzle principle
- Bernouilli principle